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Indy British Motor Day Indianapolis, In.  Sept. 17-19,2004  Central Spit-Together
Schedule of events

    The Central Region Spit-Together is scheduled for Sept. 17 th - 19 th in Indianapolis, IN, and will tie in on Sunday with the Indy British Motor Day car show held at Arbuckle Acres on SR267 in Brownsburg, IN. We are planning some Friday evening and Saturday adventures in and around Indianapolis for NASS members & friends to enjoy. Saturday evening we plan to once again visit Union Jack's Pub in Speedway for fine dining and good company. The Sunday "Show within a Show" will take place on the northwest side of Indy, with the Indiana British Car Union's Indy Brit Motor Days car show, where two of the features marquees are the Spitfires & GT6s. This will allow us to group our cars together in a show that normally uses random class placement.

     Hotel info is: Holiday Inn Select North, 3850 Depauw Blvd. Indy, IN on
I-465 North. Special rates of $79/per night plus tax. Call 1-317- 872-9790
for reservations before Aug 17 and mention the British Car Meet

    To participate in the NASS event and the IBMD show, you will need to fill
out two forms, which are located here. One form, the IBMD form, you
need only sign up for the Sunday car show ($15), and the other form covers
the NASS "Show within a Show" and other NASS events for the weekend.
T-shirts will be by pre-order only, so if you want one, fill out the NASS
form & Indy form and mail them in soon. We hope you will plan on attending
and meet up with many of your online friends. Our members always have a
good time together. 

...... updates coming as details expanded....

last updated 07/06/2004            

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